Bridges and Dams
Cannon at Fort James 50c Value Used
Premier's Office $1 Value Used
Richmond Bridge 5c. Value Fine Used
British Bridges Set of 4 Values Fine Mint
British Bridges Set of 4 Values Fine Used
British Bridges Set of 4d Value Fine Used
British Bridges Set of 1/6 /- Value Fine Used
British Bridges 1/9 /- Value Fine Mint
British Bridges 1/9 /- Value Fine Used
British Engineering Achievements 16 p Value Fine Used
British Urban Renewal Set of 4 Values Fine Used
British Urban Renewal 16 p Value Fine Used
Damodar Valley Dam 1a. Value Fine Used
Inauguration of Brahmaputra River Bridge R2 Value Fine Mint
Owens Falls Dam 5c. Value Fine Mint
Owens Falls Dam 5c Value Used
Owens Falls Dam 30c Value Mint
Owens Falls Dam 30c. Value Fine Used
Owens Falls Dam Official 5/- Value Used
Bloody Bridge 5/- Value Fine Mint
Bloody Bridge 5/- Value Imprint Corner Block of 4 Fine Mint
Hydro-Electric Scheme 5c. Value Fine Used
New York World's Fair 55m Value Fine Used
Bridges and Dams on Stamps
Number of items for sale in this section: 26