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Flora and Plants

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Showing products 1 to 96 of 1208
1973 Aitutaki Princess Anne Royal Wedding Set Fine Mint

Princess Anne and Mark Philips Set of 2 Values Fine Mint

1991 Nevis Mushrooms and Fungi Set (2nd series) of Miniature Sheets Fine Mint

Mushrooms and Fungi Set of 2 Miniature Sheets Fine Mint

Alderney 1994 Flora and Fauna SGA 70 Fine Used

Common blue (butterfly) and pyramidal orchid 16p Value Fine Mint

Alderney 1994 Flora and Fauna SGA 70b Fine Mint

Small tortoiseshell (butterfly) and buddleia 18p Value Fine Mint

Alderney 1994 Flora and Fauna SGA 72 Fine Mint

Greater black-backed gull and sand crocus 24p Values Fine Mint

Alderney 1994 Flora and Fauna SGA 72bb Booklet Pane Fine Mint

Rock pipit and sea stock 25p Value Fine Used

Alderney 1994/7 Flora and Fauna Set Fine Mint

Flora and Fauna Set of 21 Values Fine Mint Value Fine Mint

Alderney 2004 Fungi Set Fine Used

Fungi Set of 6 Values Fine Used

Australia 1959 SG 322 Flowers Christmas Bells Fine Mint

Christmas Bells Flower 1/6 Value Mint

Australia 1981 Australian Fungi SG 823 Fine Used

Fungi. Cortinarius cinnabarinus 24c Value Fine Used

Australia 1982 Roses SG 843 Fine Used

Rose Majestic Atherton 27c Value Fine Used

Australia 1982 Roses SG 844 Fine Used

'Imp' Rose 40c Value Fine Used

Australia 1986 Cook’s Voyage to New Holland SG  1007 Fine Used

Cook’s Voyage to New Holland 90c Value Fine Used

Australia 1986 Native Australian Orchids SG 1035 Fine Used

Native Australian Orchids $1 Value Fine Used

Australia 1992 Threatened Species. Multicoloured. Set Fine Used

Threatened Species set of 6 Values Fine Used

Australia 1992 Threatened Species. Sg 1316 Fine Mint

Dusky hopping-mouse 45c Value Fine Mint

Australia 1994 Greetings Stamps Flower SG 1445 Fine Used

Greetings Stamps Flower 45c Value Fine Used

Australia 2011 Floral Festivals SG 3566 Fine Used

Australian everlasting $60c Value Fine Used

Australia 2013  Carnivorous Plants SG 4044 Fine Used

Drosera rupicola 60c Value Fine Used

Australia 2014 Open Gardens SAL Set Fine Used

Open Gardens Set of 5 Values Used

Bahamas 1987 Christmas Orchids Set Fine Mint

Christmas Orchids Set of 4 Values Mint

Bahamas 2000 Christmas Set Fine Mint

Christmas Orchids Set of 4 Values Mint

Barbados 1974 Orchids SG 488 Fine Mint

Epidendrum ibaguense 4c Value Fine Mint

Barbados 1974 Orchids SG 488 Fine Used

Epidendrum ibaguense 4c Value Fine Used

Barbados 1974 Orchids SG 493 Fine Mint

Paphiopedilum puddle 15c Value Fine Mint

Barbados 1974 Orchids SG 493 Fine Used

Paphiopedilum puddle 15c Value Fine Used

Barbados 1974 Orchids SG 493b Mint

Paphiopedilum puddle 15c Value Fine Used

Barbados 1974 Orchids SG 493b Used

Paphiopedilum puddle 15c Value Fine Used

Barbados 1974 Orchids SG 497 Fine Mint

Ascocenda $1 Value Fine Mint

Barbados 1974 Orchids SG 497 Fine Used

Ascocenda $1 Value Fine Used

Barbados 1974 Orchids SG 498 Fine Mint

Brassolaeliocattleya $2.50 Value Fine Used

Barbados 1974 Orchids SG 498 Fine Used

Brassolaeliocattleya $2.50 Value Fine Used

Barbados 1974 Orchids SG 499 Fine Mint

Caularthron bicornutum $5 Value Fine Mint

Barbados 1974 Orchids SG 499 Fine Used

Caularthron bicornutum $5 Value Fine Used

Barbados 1979 St. Vincent Relief Fund SG 621 Fine Mint

Flower Surcharged 4c + 28c Value Fine Mint

Barbados 1984 Christmas SG 761 Fine Used

Christmas 75c Value Fine Used

Barbados 1986 Christmas SG 828 Fine Used

Alpina Purpurata 25c Value Fine Used

Barbados 1989  Wild Plants SG 892 Fine Used

Wild Plants 10c Value Fine Used

Barbados 1989  Wild Plants SG 895 Fine Used

Wild Plants 30c Value Fine Used

Flowers and Plants on Stamps

Number of items for sale in this section: 1208